The Rococo Style Drama of El Sakakini Palace
Designed by a French architect for a Syrian count, this is one of Egypt’s most unique palaces.
El Sakakini mansion is one of the most compelling abandoned residences in Cairo, both in terms of its eerie visuals and the story behind its owners. Its owners played an influential role in developing the surrounding neighbourhood, which was once considered the outskirts of Cairo and now bears their family name.
Built in 1897 by a French architect with a timeless Rococo style, the interior of the house - along with its opulent ceilings - served as the home of Count Gabriel Habib El Sakkakini Pasha. El Sakkakini’s saga started by moving from Damascus to Cairo at the age of 15. After a brief stint at the Suez Canal, he relocated to Cairo, where his legacy still endures within the house and throughout the neighbourhood.
Within the palace, it’s like time stood still. The interior is empty and the exterior appears frozen in mystery.While the mansion isn’t open to the public, its distinct visual style is striking enough to entrance passersby.
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